With Treatment
Here is a list of drug and alcohol rehab centers in Winner, SD. Winner rehabs may provide substance abuse treatment services to young and older adults, teens, men and women who have either a drug or alcohol addiction problem. Alcohol and drug rehabs in Winner may be free, low-cost or luxury.
Call (855) 274-2412 for 24/7 help with treatment.
Main Gate Counseling Services is a drug & alcohol treatment center in Winner, South Dakota that is located in the 57580 zip code.
Address: 325 South Monroe Street, Suite 110, Winner, SD 57580 in Tripp County
Services provided:
Rosebud Sioux Tribe is an addiction rehabilitation center in Rosebud, South Dakota that is situated in the 57570 zip code.
Address: 719 Hospital Lane, P.O. Box 430, Rosebud, SD 57570 in Todd County
52.6 miles from Winner
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Fort Thompson Service Unit Phs Indian Health Service is an alcohol and drug treatment center in Fort Thompson, SD that is situated in the 57339 zip code.
Address: 1323 BIA Route 4, Fort Thompson, SD 57339 in Buffalo County
53.8 miles from Winner
Services provided:
Good Life Counseling And Support Llc is an addiction rehabilitation center in Atkinson, NE that is located in the 68713 zip code.
Address: 118 East State Street, Atkinson, NE 68713 in Holt County
69.2 miles from Winner
Services provided:
Rehab centers in Winner may have programs that can treat all kinds of substance abuse, which includes both alcohol and drug addiction. A typical rehab center has qualified staff that will work with addicts and their families to create an individualized approach to treatment. Sometimes, the treatment plan will include both alcohol and drug abuse, while other times it may be for only drug or only alcohol addiction.
Some rehab centers in Winner and throughout South Dakota may be considered detox facilities and include detoxification as part of their treatment. If the rehab center you’ve chosen does not offer detox, you may have to detox at another center.
Some Winner rehab centers may have medication assisted treatment available. Other rehabs may use holistic substance use treatment approaches. The two medications that may be used in drug rehabs in South Dakota and other locations are Methadone and Suboxone, while there could also be Buprenorphine or Naloxone used as well. In alcohol rehabs, Antabuse (also known as Disulfiram) is often used, as well as Naltrexone and Campral (also known as Acamprosate).
Winner rehab centers may indeed come in two forms: luxury and standard. While the luxury rehab centers are most expensive and provide more treatment therapies, that by itself is not a guarantee that they will be more effective than standard drug or alcohol rehabs. Ultimately, the addicted individual has to be committed to treatment, and can be cured in either type of rehab center.
Winner rehab centers may support various age groups and populations. There may be some rehab facilities in the state of South Dakota that do provide treatment only to teenagers, while others may be only catering their service to female or male addicts.
An inpatient drug or alcohol rehab in Winner will often provide more chance for full success in addiction treatment. Choosing an outpatient facility has its benefits, such as being able to maintain existing life and work schedule, but for Winner residents or those who want to rehabilitate from drug or alcohol addiction in Winner, an inpatient facility can be the most effective.